MLDO-170 童貞家庭教師を誘惑しマゾにさせる女生徒 茜
Schoolgirl seducing a Virgin Private Tutor to make him a masochist


東京SM性感デリバリー パラフィリア

両親が依頼した家庭教師が茜の元にやって来る。サドの性癖を持つ茜は話しているうちにこの家庭教師が27歳にして童貞であることを知り、家庭教師にマゾの匂いを感じると自分の性玩具にしようと思いつく。茜は制服から肌を露出させ家庭教師を誘惑し「茜の言う事を聞けば先生の童貞を卒業させてあげる」とセックスを餌に次々と家庭教師をいじめ楽しみ、家庭教師はセックスしたさにそれを耐え苦しむ。 そして茜に黄金を食べるまでにしつけられた家庭教師はもはや茜の性奴隷と化してしまった。

The private tutor that was hired by Akane's parents just arrived. Being sadistic by nature, Akane finds out through conversations that the 27 year old private tutor is a virgin. Akane feels a masochistic aura from him. She starts to think that she could use him as a sex toy. Akane starts to expose some skin through her uniform in hopes to allure him. She says, "You might be able to graduate from your virginity if you do what I say" Using sex as a bait, Akane starts enjoy teasing the private tutor more and more. The private tutor wants to fuck so much that he endures the sufferings. And the torture continues until he eats her Brown shower and becomes her sex slave.